Sunday, May 20, 2007

Magic Cyndi!

Harlow! Here's Cyndi's new albulm called "Magic Cyndi"! Its her 5th albulm le! ^^ I have to admit that she is... quite short which is true... but... don't say she beri short... And she don't look old ok! She is cute! If you say her bad things, please don't tell me, keep to yourself.
First song in this album is "ai de tian ling ling"! (ai de tian ling ling ai de di ling ling!...) Second one is "na nian xia tian ning jing de hai"! (na nian xia tian wo he ni duo zai zhe yi da pian ning jing de hai...) She wrote a song herself, but not the lyrics. This is her first time writing a song and it took her a year to finish writing! wow! I like that song... so nice! (hey feng yi wo zheng ba ni zhuang jing ko dai li...) You all got buy her albulm and support her anot... No need say also know you all don't have lo... Only I bought her albulm... so sad... =( Got free a book of posters!!! OMG!! DAM NICE! If you all want know her song name, you can go my blog see my post, I got post all her song name there!

Entertainment journalist,

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